Config API
The ponder.config.ts
file contains contract names, addresses, and ABIs; network information like chain IDs and RPC URLs; database configurationl; and general options.
The createConfig
function exported from @ponder/core
returns the config object, which must be exported (named export called config
) from ponder.config.ts
File requirements
The createConfig
function exported by @ponder/core
returns a config object which must be the default export of ponder.config.ts
. By default, ponder dev
and start
look for ponder.config.ts
in the current working directory. You can use the --config-file
CLI option to specify a different path.
import { createConfig } from "@ponder/core";
import { http } from "viem";
export default createConfig({
networks: {
// ...
contracts: {
// ...
The networks
field is an object where each key is a network name containing that network's configuration. Networks are Ethereum-based blockchains like Ethereum mainnet, Goerli, or Foundry's local Anvil node.
Most Ponder apps require a paid RPC provider plan to avoid rate-limiting.
field | type | |
name | string | A unique name for the blockchain. Must be unique across all networks. Provided as an object property name. |
chainId | number | The chain ID for the network. |
transport | viem.Transport | A Viem http , webSocket , or fallback Transport. |
pollingInterval | number | undefined | Default: 1_000 . Frequency (in ms) used when polling for new events on this network. |
maxHistoricalTaskConcurrency | number | undefined | Default: 20 . Maximum concurrency of tasks during the historical sync. Can be reduced to work around rate limits. |
import { createConfig } from "@ponder/core";
import { http } from "viem";
import { BlitmapAbi } from "./abis/Blitmap";
export default createConfig({
networks: {
mainnet: {
chainId: 1,
transport: http(process.env.PONDER_RPC_URL_1),
contracts: {
Blitmap: {
abi: BlitmapAbi,
network: "mainnet",
address: "0x8d04a8c79cEB0889Bdd12acdF3Fa9D207eD3Ff63",
startBlock: 12439123,
This is a low-level API reference. For an approachable overview & recipes, see the Add contracts guide.
The contracts
field is an object where each key is a contract name containing that contract's configuration. Ponder will sync & index contract data according to the options you provide.
field | type | |
name | string | A unique name for the smart contract. Must be unique across all contracts. Provided as an object property name. |
abi | abitype.Abi | The contract ABI as an array as const. Must be asserted as constant, see ABIType documentation for details. |
network | string | The name of the network this contract is deployed to. References the networks field. |
address | 0x{string} | 0x{string}[] | One more more contract addresses. Mutually exclusive with factory . |
factory | Factory? | Factory pattern configuration. Mutually exclusive with address . |
filter | Filter? | Event filter criteria. |
startBlock | number | undefined | Default: 0 . Block number to start syncing events. Usually set to the contract deployment block number. Default: 0 |
endBlock | number | undefined | Default: undefined . Block number to stop syncing events. If this field is specified, the contract will not be indexed in realtime. This field can be used alongside startBlock to index a specific block range. |
maxBlockRange | number | undefined | The maximum block range that Ponder will use when calling eth_getLogs during the historical sync. If not provided, Ponder uses a sane default based on the network. |
import { createConfig } from "@ponder/core";
import { http } from "viem";
import { BlitmapAbi } from "./abis/Blitmap";
export default createConfig({
networks: {
mainnet: {
chainId: 1,
transport: http(process.env.PONDER_RPC_URL_1),
contracts: {
Blitmap: {
abi: BlitmapAbi,
network: "mainnet",
address: "0x8d04a8c79cEB0889Bdd12acdF3Fa9D207eD3Ff63",
startBlock: 12439123,
field | type | |
address | string | The address of the factory contract that creates instances of this contract. |
event | AbiEvent | The ABI item of the event that announces the creation of a new child contract. |
parameter | string | The name of the parameter within event that contains the address of the new child contract. |
field | type | |
event | string | string[] | undefined | Default: undefined . One or more event names present in the provided ABI. |
args | object | undefined | Default: undefined . An object containing indexed argument values to filter for. Only allowed if one event name was provided in event . |
Ponder uses a SQL database to cache blockchain data and store indexed data. In development, Ponder uses a SQLite database located at .ponder/store/
. In production, Ponder works best with a PostgreSQL database. If no database
is specified in ponder.config.ts
, Ponder will use SQLite unless the DATABASE_URL
environment variable is present, in which case it will use PostgreSQL with DATABASE_URL
as the connection string.
See Deploy to production for more details.
field | type | |
kind | "sqlite" | "postgres" | Kind of database to use. |
connectionString | string | undefined | Default: process.env.DATABASE_URL . Postgres database connection string. Only used if kind: "postgres" . |
field | type | |
maxHealthcheckDuration | number | Default: 4 * 60 . Maximum number of seconds to wait for event processing to be complete before responding as healthy. If event processing takes longer than this amount of time, the GraphQL API may serve incomplete data. |
Basic example
import { createConfig } from "@ponder/core";
import { http } from "viem";
export default createConfig({
networks: {
mainnet: {
chainId: 1,
transport: http(process.env.PONDER_RPC_URL_1),
contracts: {
ArtGobblers: {
network: "mainnet",
abi: "./abis/ArtGobblers.json",
address: "0x60bb1e2aa1c9acafb4d34f71585d7e959f387769",
startBlock: 15863321,
Using top-level await
import { createConfig } from "@ponder/core";
const startBlock = await fetch("http://...");
export default createConfig({
networks: {
mainnet: {
chainId: 1,
transport: http(process.env.PONDER_RPC_URL_1),
contracts: {
ArtGobblers: {
network: "mainnet",
abi: "./abis/ArtGobblers.json",
address: "0x60bb1e2aa1c9acafb4d34f71585d7e959f387769",